建築は人間の生活を支える基盤です。 Architecture as the supporting foundation of human activity


Since ancient times, archltecture has been the supportive foundation for human lifestyle and cultural development. GKK alms to create quality spaces that touch the hearts of its users and their community, and thus leavlng behind a building legacy for generations to come.

技術と感性の融合が求められています。 An amalgamation of technology and the sensorial


The advent of IT technological advance ment has brought lorth a global society, allowing it to soar to great heights. How ever, we belleve the objective of the 21st century should be to direct this technol-ogy toward the sensorial. GKK aims to achieve this objective by uniting the two and realizing a more beautiful and ing lilestyle.

21世紀は環境の世紀です。 The 21 st Century as an ECO-age


GKK aims to create ecologically-sustalnable architecture that is earth friendly and has minimal environmental Impact on its surroundings, without compromising the comforls of its users. To achleve this,we attempt to blend both technological and environmental know-how, spearheading a new genera-tion of ECO city building.

建物に関する相談からリニューアルまで一貫した責任体制によって建物を見守ります。 A lifelong partnership from building-conception consultation to renewal


GKK's works are based on a lifelong partnership and mutual trust with our clients. We place utmost importance on understanding our clients' needs and desires, endeavoring to bring them to form. It is our mission to realize our clients' wlshes to the best of our ability Our service continues through the com-pleted project encompassing both its after-care and renewal. The sustainability of the building is a reflection of our lilelong partnership with the client.
